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Financial Reports IR Event Annual Reports Quarterly Reports Audit Reports Home Investors Financial Reports Audit Reports Number Name of the person submitting the disclosure Title Registered date 27 HANKOOK TIRE & TECHNOLOGY [Revised]Decision on Acquisition of Shares or Investment Certificates of Other Corporations HANKOOK TIRE & TECHNOLOGY 2024.12.26 2024.12.26 26 HANKOOK TIRE & TECHNOLOGY Other Management Information(Voluntary Disclosure)(배당기준일 변경 안내) HANKOOK TIRE & TECHNOLOGY 2024.12.13 2024.12.13 25 HANKOOK TIRE & TECHNOLOGY [Revised]Decision on Acquisition of Shares or Investment Certificates of Other Corporations HANKOOK TIRE & TECHNOLOGY 2024.12.13 2024.12.13 24 HANKOOK TIRE & TECHNOLOGY [Revised]Decision on Acquisition of Shares or Investment Certificates of Other Corporations HANKOOK TIRE & TECHNOLOGY 2024.12.04 2024.12.04 23 HANKOOK TIRE & TECHNOLOGY Report on Business Performance according to Consolidated Financial Statements (Fair Disclosure) HANKOOK TIRE & TECHNOLOGY 2024.11.07 2024.11.07 22 HANKOOK TIRE & TECHNOLOGY Organization of Investor Relations Event HANKOOK TIRE & TECHNOLOGY 2024.10.28 2024.10.28 21 HANKOOK TIRE & TECHNOLOGY Decision on Acquisition of Shares or Investment Certificates of Other Corporations HANKOOK TIRE & TECHNOLOGY 2024.10.07 2024.10.07 20 HANKOOK TIRE & TECHNOLOGY [Revised]Decision on Acquisition of Shares or Investment Certificates of Other Corporations HANKOOK TIRE & TECHNOLOGY 2024.10.07 2024.10.07 19 HANKOOK TIRE & TECHNOLOGY Report on Business Performance according to Consolidated Financial Statements (Fair Disclosure) HANKOOK TIRE & TECHNOLOGY 2024.08.09 2024.08.09 18 HANKOOK TIRE & TECHNOLOGY Organization of Investor Relations Event HANKOOK TIRE & TECHNOLOGY 2024.08.01 2024.08.01 123 IR personnel and contact information Personnel in charge: Senior Staff Lisa Choe / Email: [email protected] / Main number: +82-31-5178-7000
투자자보고서 IR Event Annual Reports Quarterly Reports Audit Reports Home Investors Financial Reports IR Event No. Company Document Date 27 HANKOOK TIRE & TECHNOLOGY [Revised]Decision on Acquisition of Shares or Investment Certificates of Other Corporations HANKOOK TIRE & TECHNOLOGY 2024.12.26 2024.12.26 26 HANKOOK TIRE & TECHNOLOGY Other Management Information(Voluntary Disclosure)(배당기준일 변경 안내) HANKOOK TIRE & TECHNOLOGY 2024.12.13 2024.12.13 25 HANKOOK TIRE & TECHNOLOGY [Revised]Decision on Acquisition of Shares or Investment Certificates of Other Corporations HANKOOK TIRE & TECHNOLOGY 2024.12.13 2024.12.13 24 HANKOOK TIRE & TECHNOLOGY [Revised]Decision on Acquisition of Shares or Investment Certificates of Other Corporations HANKOOK TIRE & TECHNOLOGY 2024.12.04 2024.12.04 23 HANKOOK TIRE & TECHNOLOGY Report on Business Performance according to Consolidated Financial Statements (Fair Disclosure) HANKOOK TIRE & TECHNOLOGY 2024.11.07 2024.11.07 22 HANKOOK TIRE & TECHNOLOGY Organization of Investor Relations Event HANKOOK TIRE & TECHNOLOGY 2024.10.28 2024.10.28 21 HANKOOK TIRE & TECHNOLOGY Decision on Acquisition of Shares or Investment Certificates of Other Corporations HANKOOK TIRE & TECHNOLOGY 2024.10.07 2024.10.07 20 HANKOOK TIRE & TECHNOLOGY [Revised]Decision on Acquisition of Shares or Investment Certificates of Other Corporations HANKOOK TIRE & TECHNOLOGY 2024.10.07 2024.10.07 19 HANKOOK TIRE & TECHNOLOGY Report on Business Performance according to Consolidated Financial Statements (Fair Disclosure) HANKOOK TIRE & TECHNOLOGY 2024.08.09 2024.08.09 18 HANKOOK TIRE & TECHNOLOGY Organization of Investor Relations Event HANKOOK TIRE & TECHNOLOGY 2024.08.01 2024.08.01 123 IR 담당자 및 연락처 담당자 - 최현실 책임 / 이메일 - [email protected] / 대표번호 - 031-5178-7000
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