Hyunbeom Cho
- • Chairman & CEO of Hankook & Company
- • Chairman of Hankook Tire & Technology
- • Member of the Sustainability Management Committee
- • Member of the Outside Director Candidate Recommendation Committee
- • Member of the ESG Committee
Board of Directors
Hankook Tire & Technology’s BOD has been created to deliberate and provide advice on important corporate issues, matters regulated under the laws and the articles of incorporation, details entrusted by the periodical BOD, basic policies for corporate operation, and essential matters pertaining to management support.
In addition, the BOD is entitled to supervise the directors' performance of their duties and complies with the domestic Commercial Act, which requires a company worth 2 trillion KRW or more to have a BOD with 50% of its members composed of outside directors.
Hankook Tire & Technology's BOD consists of 3 inside directors and 4 outside directors, and is chaired by the CEO of Hankook Tire & Technology.
The BOD is the company's highest standing decision-making body and carries the authority to decide on the key matters of the company, such as the conclusion of important contracts and the formulation and approval of the company's business plans.
Directors that form the BOD of Hankook Tire & Technology are appointed at the general meeting of shareholders in accordance with Article 382 of the Commercial Act in Korea, and they face no discrimination based on their gender, race, or origin.
Candidates for directors to be appointed at the general meeting of shareholders are selected by the BOD and the Outside Director Candidate Recommendation Committee, and they are finalized under the agenda to be submitted to the general meeting of shareholders.
If a shareholder makes a proposal pursuant to pertinent laws and regulations regarding the appointment of the directors, the BOD submits such proposal as an agenda to the general meeting of shareholders within the legal domain.
Hankook Tire & Technology's BOD operates 4 committees: the Audit Committee, the Outside Director Candidate Recommendation Committee, the Sustainability Management Committee, and the Internal Transaction Committee.
Hankook Tire & Technology's articles of incorporation allow the BOD to create separate committees if deemed necessary.
Audit Committee
Hankook Tire & Technology's Audit Committee consists of 4 members, all of whom are outside directors.
Jonggap Kim (Appointed March 30, 2021)
Hyunmyung Pyo (Appointed March 30, 2021)
Mira Lee (Appointed March 30, 2021)
Youngjae Kang (Appointed March 30, 2021)
External Director Candidate Nomination Committee
As a corporation with the total asset that exceeds KRW 2 trillion, Hankook Tire & Technology is required to have the Outside Director Candidate Recommendation Committee to recommend the outside director candidates under Article 542-8 (4) of the Commercial Act. The Outside Director Candidate Recommendation Committee of Hankook Tire & Technology consists of Hyunbum Cho, Sooil Lee, Jongho Park, Hyunmyung Pyo, Jonggap Kim, Youngjae Kang, and Mira Lee, of which, Hyunmyung Pyo, Jonggap Kim, Youngjae Kang, and Mira Lee are outside directors.
Sustainability Committee
As a result of our active business activities unfolded to respond to the global competition which has recently grown more fierce, the number of BOD meetings, which is the highest decision-making body, and the number of affairs dealt with have increased significantly. Hankook Tire & Technology runs the Sustainability Management Committee within the BOD to reduce the number of BOD meetings convened and associated procedures, and improve the business expertise and efficiency by making rapid decisions.
Due to the activities of the Sustainability Management Committee, the periodic board meetings have been specialized as a discussion body for core agendas, and the BOD activities are systematically improved to further reinforce responsible management.
Hankook Tire & Technology's Sustainability Management Committee is chaired by the CEO, consisting of inside directors.
Internal Transaction Committee
The Internal Transaction Committee is a “committee within the BOD” established to supervise internal transactions and improve transparency in the corporate management by establishing a voluntary compliance system for fair trade.
Article 393-2 of the Commercial Act, Article 43 of the Articles of Incorporation, and Article 11 (1) of the Board of Directors Operational Regulations requires the company to establish and operate the Internal Transaction Committee with the authority to approve large-scale internal transactions assigned from the BOD.
In accordance with the Monopoly Regulation and Fair Trade Act, the Committee monitors and supervises unfair transactions through the preliminary review and the approval of transactions with affiliates and affiliated persons.
The Internal Transaction Committee of Hankook Tire & Technology is composed of outside directors Hyunmyung Pyo, Jonggap Kim, Youngjae Kang, and Mira Lee as outside directors.
ESG Committee
Our ESG Committee is a board committee designed to advise, deliberate, and decide on the most appropriate environmental, social, and governance-related directions so as to emphatically reinforce the sustainable development based on its economic, social, and environmental responsibilities as an enterprise.
Hankook Tire & Technology’s ESG Committee was created by the resolutions implemented by the Board of Directors. The committee consists of at least three directors and its majority must be made up of outside directors. The chairperson is commissioned among its members by the resolutions, and the committee members are appointed or dismissed by the resolutions decided on by the board of directors.
An outside director Lee Mi-ra was appointed as the chairperson of the ESG committee, which entirely consists of inside and outside directors, among which four of them are Pyo Hyun-myung, Kim Jong-gap, Kang Young-jae, and Lee Mi-ra.
Differences from the KCGS Codes for ESG Practices
Activities of the BOD and committees within the KCGS Codes for ESG Practices
Date | Bills | Approval status | Members | Voting result | |
21. 2. 25. |
Approved | Inside directors |
Sooil Lee | Agreed |
Hyunbeom Cho | Agreed | ||||
Jongho Park | Not applicable | ||||
Outside directors |
Choonghwan Cho | Agreed | |||
Seongpil Hong | Agreed | ||||
Changhwa Jung | Agreed | ||||
Hyunmyong Pyo | Not applicable | ||||
Jonggap Kim | Not applicable | ||||
Youngjae Kang | Not applicable | ||||
Mira Lee | Not applicable | ||||
21. 4. 1. |
Approved | Inside directors |
Sooil Lee | Agreed |
Hyunbeom Cho | Agreed | ||||
Jongho Park | Agreed | ||||
Outside directors |
Choonghwan Cho | Not applicable | |||
Seongpil Hong | Not applicable | ||||
Changhwa Jung | Not applicable | ||||
Hyunmyong Pyo | Agreed | ||||
Jonggap Kim | Agreed | ||||
Youngjae Kang | |||||
Mira Lee | Agreed |
Date | Bills | Approval status | Members | Voting result |
21. 3. 12. |
Approved | Choonghwan Cho | Agreed |
Seongpil Hong | Agreed | |||
Changhwa Jung | Agreed | |||
21. 4. 1. |
Approved | Hyunmyong Pyo | Agreed |
Jonggap Kim | Agreed | |||
Youngjae Kang | Agreed | |||
Mira Lee | Agreed | |||
21. 4. 22. |
Approved | Hyunmyong Pyo | Agreed |
Jonggap Kim | Agreed | |||
Youngjae Kang | Agreed | |||
Mira Lee | Agreed | |||
21. 6. 16. |
Approved | Hyunmyong Pyo | Agreed |
Jonggap Kim | Agreed | |||
Youngjae Kang | Agreed | |||
Mira Lee | Agreed | |||
21. 7. 30. |
Approved | Hyunmyong Pyo | Agreed |
Jonggap Kim | Agreed | |||
Youngjae Kang | Agreed | |||
Mira Lee | Agreed | |||
21. 9. 17. |
Approved | Hyunmyong Pyo | Agreed |
Jonggap Kim | Agreed | |||
Youngjae Kang | Agreed | |||
Mira Lee | Agreed | |||
21. 11. 30. |
Approved | Hyunmyong Pyo | Agreed |
Jonggap Kim | Agreed | |||
Youngjae Kang | Agreed | |||
Mira Lee | Agreed | |||
21. 12. 27. |
Approved | Hyunmyong Pyo | Agreed |
Jonggap Kim | Agreed | |||
Youngjae Kang | Agreed | |||
Mira Lee | Agreed |
Date | Bills | Approval status | Members | Voting result | |
21. 7. 30. |
Approved | Inside directors |
Sooil Lee | Agreed |
Hyunbeom Cho | Agreed | ||||
Jongho Park | Agreed | ||||
Outside Director |
Hyunmyong Pyo | Agreed | |||
Jonggap Kim | Agreed | ||||
Youngjae Kang | Agreed | ||||
Mira Lee | Agreed | ||||
21. 10. 28. |
Report | Inside directors |
Sooil Lee | Agreed |
Hyunbeom Cho | Agreed | ||||
Jongho Park | Agreed | ||||
Outside Director |
Hyunmyong Pyo | Agreed | |||
Jonggap Kim | Agreed | ||||
Youngjae Kang | Agreed | ||||
Mira Lee | Agreed | ||||
21. 10. 28. |
Report | Inside directors |
Sooil Lee | Agreed |
Hyunbeom Cho | Agreed | ||||
Jongho Park | Agreed | ||||
Outside Director |
Hyunmyong Pyo | Agreed | |||
Jonggap Kim | Agreed | ||||
Youngjae Kang | Agreed | ||||
Mira Lee | Agreed |
Code of Ethics and the Articles of the Incorporation/Annexed Articles of Incorporation